Document Resources

VBP Medicaid Managed Care Term Sheet

This tool helps FQHCs understand all of the various VBC elements that are encompassed in a model or program and can impact performance and hence are important consideration in the contract analysis. It provides the considerations, but also guidance on how to approach them and what may be favorable or unfavorable terms within a contract, depending on the scenario and LAN category.

Promoting Value-Based Purchasing to the Behavioral Health Workforce

This resource is designed to assist leaders in introducing and educating staff about value-based payment (VBP) and value-based care, with a strong emphasis on leadership’s unwavering commitment to the program’s success. Achieving success in VBP arrangements hinges on garnering the full commitment of your workforce and ensuring their continuous participation in VBP activities. The materials provided offer valuable techniques for actively engaging your workforce in the development, implementation, and diligent monitoring of the VBP program.

Developing Your Value-Based Payment Value Proposition

This resource covers the development of a value proposition, a compelling statement or proposition that outlines the unique benefits and value that a healthcare provider or organization offers to payers, service recipients, and other stakeholders. A well-crafted value proposition helps healthcare providers and organizations communicate their unique strengths and advantages to payers and patients, ultimately driving engagement, partnerships, and success in value-based payment models.

Contracting for Value-Based Payment

This resource provides contracting tools to support value-based payment arrangements, beginning with a description of the components of legally enforceable contracts and the legal terms generally found in such contracts. The materials describe key legal considerations for arrangements between providers, which will assist providers in identifying and navigating potential legal issues. Recommendations are offered on how to address legal risks through the purchase of insurance, managing contracts throughout the contracting lifecycle, and negotiating contracts with other organizations.

Health Care Provider Checklist for Entering into Managed Care Contracts

This is a self-assessment tool intended to help health care providers plan for negotiations around proposed managed care contracts. The tool can be used for internal conversations to analyze key terms, develop strategic direction, and set priorities for approaching negotiations. This tool can help providers determine if they are ready to contract, what level of risk they can tolerate, and what areas to focus on in negotiations.

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #7

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #7 is one of the FREE resources provided by Rev-Up DC, sponsored by the Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF). to help DC Medicaid Behavioral Health providers transition to participating in the Managed Care contracts.

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #6

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #6 is one of the FREE resources provided by Rev-Up DC, sponsored by the Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF). to help DC Medicaid Behavioral Health providers transition to participating in the Managed Care contracts.

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #5

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #5 is one of the FREE resources provided by Rev-Up DC, sponsored by the Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF). to help DC Medicaid Behavioral Health providers transition to participating in the Managed Care contracts.

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #4

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #4 is one of the FREE resources provided by Rev-Up DC, sponsored by the Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF). to help DC Medicaid Behavioral Health providers transition to participating in the Managed Care contracts.

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #3

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #3 is one of the FREE resources provided by Rev-Up DC, sponsored by the Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF). to help DC Medicaid Behavioral Health providers transition to participating in the Managed Care contracts.

Cooking Healthy Meals at Home

Help your patients navigate the barriers to healthy home cooking such as time, comfort, cost, and navigating the Supermarket.

Start With One Thing

Help your patient's identify goals and create a plan to shift their eating habits.

Building a Healthier Plate

Help your patients take charge of their health by becoming more aware of their relationship with the food.

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #2

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #2 is one of the FREE resources provided by Rev-Up DC, sponsored by the Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF). to help DC Medicaid Behavioral Health providers transition to participating in the Managed Care contracts.

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #1

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #1 is one of the FREE resources provided by Rev-Up DC, sponsored by the Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF). to help DC Medicaid Behavioral Health providers transition to participating in the Managed Care contracts.
Integrated Care DC is managed by the DC Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) in partnership with the DC Department of Behavioral Health (DBH). This project is supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). A total of $4,598,756, or 74 percent, of the project is financed with federal funds, and 1,639,167, or 26 percent, is funded by non-federal sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, or an endorsement by, HHS or the U.S. Government.