Provider Information Session 1
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Overview: This webinar will focus on the foundational concepts of health care integration – including physical and behavioral health – will be reviewed and discussed. The presenters will also focus on integrating substance use disorders and reverse integration. The webinar will also feature shared successes, benefits and transferrable skills achieved through the technical assistance program. Register
Overview: This webinar will focus on the benefits and outcomes of behavioral health integration and key implementation considerations. The presenters will discuss outcomes that include improving population health, patient experience, and reduced costs. The webinar will also feature key integration tips such as building internal support, warm handoffs, establishing workflows among other topics. This session […]
This event is a fun opportunity to meet and engage with individuals from organizations across the health and social sectors. Through our patented DC PACT speed dating process you will connect with professionals from across the District’s systems of care, learn and share information about services that can improve the social health and well-being of the […]
The TA Office Hour provides a venue for additional discussion and small group Q and A specific to topics presented in Webinar #2. Register