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Supporting Practice Leaders Navigating Unfamiliar Waters:

Leadership Through Change Learning Collaborative

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Convened December through August 2024

Integrated Care DC’s Supporting Practice Leaders Navigating Unfamiliar Waters: Leadership Through Change Learning Collaborative introduced and reinforced practical leadership skills for individuals in management and decision-making roles to support their teams in moving toward successful value-based contracting. The collaborative series comprised eight core sessions presented from December to May 2024 on the key topics, tools, and resources described below.

A total of 50 leaders from 27 FQHCs, hospitals, behavioral health, and health-related social needs organizations participated. After the first session, participants were divided into three cohorts to support small-group and peer learning, with an associated Integrated Care DC lead to guide participants through the series and provide individualized support. Participants interested in further assistance took the opportunity to engage in six biweekly continued learning sessions offered in June through August and to sign up for practice-level coaching through Integrated Care DC.


Key Topics & Tools Presented at the Leadership through Change Learning Collaborative

Session Topic: Program Overview & VBP 101

VBP Readiness Assessment

Supporting Practice Leaders Navigating Unfamiliar Waters – Leadership Through Change

Session Topic: Managing Change Across the Organization: From Board to Front-Line Staff

Managing Change Across the Organization: From Board to Front-Line Staff | Communications Plan (Excel)

Session Topic: Contracting for Value-Based Payments

Contracting for Value-Based Payments | Primary Care Draft Contracting Worksheet (PDF)

Contracting for Value-Based Payments | Integrated Care DC Contracting Strategy Worksheet (PDF)

Contracting for Value-Based Payments | Behavioral Health Draft Contracting Worksheet (PDF)

Contracting for Value-Based Payments | VBP Glossary

Session Topic: Accessing the Performance Information Needed to Negotiate & Succeed in Value-Based Payment Agreements

Pay for Performance (P4P), Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Dashboard

Session Topic: Designing Models of Care to Improve Outcomes

Session Topic: Joining, Building, and Utilizing Networks

Joining, Building, and Utilizing Networks Worksheet (PDF)

Session Topic: Identifying Opportunities to Improve Population Health

Identifying Opportunities to Improve Population Health Worksheet (PDF)

“At Mary’s Center, the integration of behavioral health services with efficient billing practices, robust data extraction from EMR systems, and active engagement with CRISP will enable us to deliver high-quality, patient-centered care. By focusing on these strategic areas, applying the insights from the Integrated Care DC Leadership Through Change Learning Collaborative, and utilizing the DiSC leadership style assessment, we can improve clinical outcomes, optimize operational efficiency, and ensure the sustainability of our services.”

Nelson Rivera, Director of Behavioral Health Integration, Mary’s Center

Integrated Care DC is managed by the DC Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) in partnership with the DC Department of Behavioral Health (DBH). This project is supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). A total of $4,598,756, or 74 percent, of the project is financed with federal funds, and 1,639,167, or 26 percent, is funded by non-federal sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, or an endorsement by, HHS or the U.S. Government.