Practice Spotlight
Practice Spotlight features the experiences and successes of practices working to achieve their goals for integrated, whole-person care with customized support from Integrated Care DC. Each practice transformation journey is unique. Let us share your success story or you can begin a new transformation journey. Request a consultation with one of our expert coaches today.

Practice Spotlight: Honoring Individual Power & Strength (HIPS)
Empowering Communities through Integrated Care For over 30 years, HIPS has supported the health and dignity of individuals affected by sex work and drug use through harm reduction services, advocacy, and peer-led initiatives. As a Medications for Opioid Use Disorder...
Practice Spotlight: Honoring Individual Power & Strength (HIPS)
Empowering Communities through Integrated Care For over 30 years, HIPS has supported the health and dignity of individuals affected by sex work and drug use through harm reduction services, advocacy, and peer-led initiatives. As a Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) provider and recipient of a Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) State Opioid Response (SOR) grant, HIPS identified an urgent need to enhance its referral systems to better connect clients to behavioral health, primary...