Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #3

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #3 is one of the FREE resources provided by Rev-Up DC, sponsored by the Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF). to help DC Medicaid Behavioral Health providers transition to participating in the Managed Care contracts.
Screening, Assessment and SBIRT

Screening, Assessment and SBIRT

This short take covers the basic concept of the Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) model. It reviews the reasons for why this approach is important, where SBIRT is delivered. Finally, each component of the model is briefly described.

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #2

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #2 is one of the FREE resources provided by Rev-Up DC, sponsored by the Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF). to help DC Medicaid Behavioral Health providers transition to participating in the Managed Care contracts.

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #1

Valuable Revenue Cycle Tip of the Week #1 is one of the FREE resources provided by Rev-Up DC, sponsored by the Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF). to help DC Medicaid Behavioral Health providers transition to participating in the Managed Care contracts.
Bundle Up! What’s a Bundled Payment & How Does It fit Into a VBP framework?

Bundle Up! What’s a Bundled Payment & How Does It fit Into a VBP framework?

This hour-long presentation will discuss the Value-Based Payment framework and where the Medicare bundled payment available to Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) fits. It will also include information about how to appropriately bill the bundled payment in various situations, and when to bill separately for additional services.

How to Mitigate Workforce Burnout & Fatigue

Even before Covid health care workers were expressing burn out and exhaustion. Covid realities have made this worse. Not only are staff working overtime, they are worried about  putting themselves, their families and patients at risk every day. Covid concerns come at a time when healthcare providers are dealing with a lot of unknowns. The healthcare system is changing and providers are faced with the continuous need to adapt to new and innovative practice approaches and payment strategies. It’s no wonder everyone is feeling exhausted! This webinar will give time and space to talk about how to support staff and increase satisfaction and joy at work while still working in a tumultuous time.

Revenue Cycle Foundations 103 Education Session

Revenue Cycle Foundations 103 addresses the critical need to resolve accounts receivables’ issues through presentation and discussion on reconciliation. Revenue Cycle Foundations Sessions are part of the FREE resources provided by DHCF to help DC Medicaid Behavioral Health practices prepare to transition to participating in the managed care contract. The Revenue Cycle Foundations sessions will enhance DC Medicaid Behavioral Health practices; knowledge and capabilities to bill more efficiently, get paid faster, and resolve payment issues.

Revenue Cycle Foundations 102 Education Session

Revenue Cycle Foundations 102 expands your practice’s revenue cycle management capabilities by presenting best practices for claims processing for managed care. Revenue Cycle Foundations Sessions are part of the FREE resources provided by DHCF to help DC Medicaid Behavioral Health practices prepare to transition to participating in the managed care contract. The Revenue Cycle Foundations sessions will enhance DC Medicaid Behavioral Health practices; knowledge and capabilities to bill more efficiently, get paid faster, and resolve payment issues.

Revenue Cycle Foundations 101 Education Session

Revenue Cycle Foundations 101 provides an overview of revenue cycle management, with an in-depth focus on eligibility, enrollment, credentialing, and authorizations. Revenue Cycle Foundations Sessions are part of the FREE resources provided by DHCF to help DC Medicaid Behavioral Health practices prepare to transition to participating in the managed care contract. The Revenue Cycle Foundations sessions will enhance DC Medicaid Behavioral Health practices' knowledge and capabilities to bill more efficiently, get paid faster and resolve payment issues.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapeutic treatment that helps people learn how to identify and change maladaptive thought patterns that have a negative influence on behavior and emotions. This short take video will cover the key principles of CBT and a few basic techniques that are utilized for various conditions.

Problem Solving Treatment & Tools

Problem Solving Therapy (PST) provides tools to help individuals identify and solve problems that can have a negative impact on their day-to-day lives. PST improves an individual's overall quality of life, treats depression and other conditions. It is based on a model that considers the importance of real-life problem-solving, including managing life stressors when they arise. This short take video covers the fundamental principles of PST and the tools to use in everyday life.
Contingency Management: Underutilized Evidence Based Treatment

Contingency Management: Underutilized Evidence Based Treatment

Contingency management is an evidence-based treatment plan for substance use disorder. This type of treatment, a major topic in media and public policy circles, promotes behavior change and reinforces positive behaviors. This short take video discusses contingency management treatment in more detail and how to increase its use in more practices.

Evidence Based Practices Workshop 3 Problem Solving Therapy

Problem-Solving Therapy (PST) is a form of therapy that provides people with tools to identify and solve problems that arise from life stressors that can have a negative impact on their day-to-day lives. Its aim is to improve individuals’ overall quality of life and can be used to treat depression, among other conditions. It is based on a model that takes into account the importance of real-life problem-solving including how to manage real-life stressors when they arise. The presentation will cover key PST principles and tools that can be used in everyday life.

Evidence Based Practices Workshop 2 Behavioral Interventions for Stress Management

There are many evidence-based techniques that are easy to learn and practice, with good results in individuals struggling with physical and mental health challenges. This workshop with briefly introduce participants to some of the more common and effective practices including progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, diaphragmatic breathing, relaxation response, and mindfulness-based stress reduction. Speakers: Shannon Robinson, MD (HMA), Marsha Johnson, MSW, LCSW (HMA)

Adapting Evidence Based Practices for Integrated Care

This webinar workshop series focuses on key elements of evidence-based practices/treatments to assist providers with achieving successful implementation and outcomes. HMA presenters discuss key components of EBPs including but not limited to training, indicated populations, fidelity assessments, tools, and other relevant topics. This webinar includes an interview with psychologist Jennifer Frey who discusses the ways in which she uses and adapts the EBP of Motivational Interviewing in her work as a behavioral health consultant at Unity. Following this webinar, there is a series of three EBP workshops that includes cognitive behavior therapy, behavioral interventions for stress management trauma-informed care, problem-solving therapy.

Integrated Care DC Provider Information Session

Integrated whole-person care has been shown to improve outcomes and increase Medicaid beneficiary satisfaction. We want to support you to enhance your practice’s capability to deliver person-centered care, use population health analytics, and engage leadership to support value-based care. Join us to learn more about provider engagement opportunities for year 2 of the Integrated Care DC Program.

Pregnancy and Substance Abuse: A Harm Reduction Toolkit

This toolkit was designed to help community providers care for pregnant and parenting people who use drugs in a holistic manner. The kit includes information about stigma reduction, trauma-informed care, and legal services. While the guide was developed IN NY, there are engagement and other information that is useful regardless of location.
Telehealth in a Post-Pandemic Era Sustainable Approaches to Support Integrated Care – Part 2

Telehealth in a Post-Pandemic Era Sustainable Approaches to Support Integrated Care – Part 2

This interactive virtual workshop is part two of a two-part series to support providers ongoing efforts to implement and sustain innovative models of telehealth following the COVID-19 public health emergency. Topics include best practices to support behavioral health care delivery through telehealth; improving patient engagement through telehealth and DC telehealth policy and priority updates.

Physician Burnout

The health care environment—with its packed workdays, demanding pace, time pressures, and emotional intensity—can put physicians and other clinicians at high risk for burnout. Burnout is a long-term stress reaction marked by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a lack of sense of personal accomplishment. In recent years, the rising prevalence of burnout among clinicians (over 50 percent in some studies) has led to questions on how it affects access to care, patient safety, and care quality. Burned-out doctors are more likely to leave practice, which reduces patients’ access to and continuity of care. Burnout can also threaten patient safety and care quality when depersonalization leads to poor interactions with patients and when burned-out physicians suffer from impaired attention, memory, and executive function.

Mother & Baby Substance Exposure Toolkit

An online resource to provide broad access to resources to clarify best practices to support and improve the care for substance-exposed mothers and newborns. The toolkit includes resources to support screening, assessment, and level of care determination; treatment; transitions of care; and education.

Quick Guide: Building Partnerships to Enhance Care Coordination

This is a short reference guide to developing a structure to enhance the referral experience for providers and service recipients. It covers setting standards for partnership starting with your value proposition. It outlines the continuum of provider relationships from informal agreements through forming a business entity and finally provides initial guidance and further resources for establishing care compacts.

Core Competencies Framework for Practice Transformation

The goal of the ICTA program is to improve care and Medicaid beneficiary outcomes within three practice transformation core competencies: Delivering person-centered care across the care continuum Using population health analytics to address complex medical, behavioral health, and social needs; and Engaging leadership to support value-based care. This document provides more detail, including sub-elements for each core competency.

Pocket Guide: Medications for Addiction Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder SAMHSA

The Medication-Assisted Treatment Of Opioid Use Disorder pocket guide to provide guidance on how to assess the need for treatment, referring to higher levels of care if necessary and the approved frequency and route of administration for treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. In addition, a tool has been provided to determine clinical opiate withdrawal.

COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Response & 42 CFR Part 2 Guidance

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration provides guidance for substance use disorder treatment services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The document specifies when a medical emergency exists, 42 C.F.R Part 2 does not apply and any disclosure of medical information is temporarily exempt for purposes of medical treatment.

Providing Culturally Sensitive, Patient Centered Care

During the webinar, the presenter will focus on ways to address health equity issues and key considerations for providing linguistically effective services. The presenter will discuss best practices and models to support patients in these challenging times.

Understanding the Brain and Treatment for People with Opioid Use Disorders

Understanding the brain chemistry associated with opioid use disorder treatment is essential: Medications for Addiction Treatment (MAT) restores depleted dopamine in the brain so people impacted by OUD can regain functioning. Recognizing this, therapy and support services for OUD are most effective when provided in accordance with a person's healing process and readiness to engage in treatment.

Stigma, Myth Busters & Engagement Strategies

This webinar will describe how stigma impacts perceptions and resultant SUD care for patients and providers alike. Presenters will also share key concepts and case studies to illustrate ways to address stigma and tools that can be incorporated into their clinical practice.

Integrated Physical and Behavioral Healthcare 102

This webinar will focus on the benefits and outcomes of behavioral health integration and key implementation considerations. The presenters will discuss outcomes that include improving population health, patient experience and reduced costs. The webinar will also feature key integration tips such as building internal support, warm handoffs, establishing workflows among other topics.
Integrating Physical and Behavioral Healthcare 101

Integrating Physical and Behavioral Healthcare 101

This webinar will focus on the foundational concepts of health care integration – including physical and behavioral health – will be reviewed and discussed. The presenters will also focus on integrating substance use disorders and reverse integration.

Addiction Neuroscience 101

This module offers a 25-minute video of the neuroscience of addiction as a chronic brain disease presented by HMA’s Corey Waller, MD, MS, FACEP, DFASAM, with emphasis on Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). "This lecture was developed for audiences of all backgrounds to absorb. From patients to nonspecialist docs. The intent was to move people past the preconceived notion that addiction is a moral failing or choice, to the reality that it is a chronic brain disease that creates maladaptive connections in large swaths of the brain. Over the hundreds of lectures, I have given in my career, I have come to realize that running through 30+ articles in a 70 slide PPT does not move people emotionally. But a good story will. The lecture has coalesced into a story form that is much more compelling than digging through the dense science of voxel dysmorphology, BOLD fMRI technology, and all of the structures postulated to drive craving. If I need a custody officer to "get it" or an administrator to understand the concept, I cannot give them the same lecture I would give a psychiatrist, addiction psychologist, addiction doc, or a neurologist."

Provider Information Session

"The systemic approach to providing person-centered care for a defined population that coordinates physical and behavioral healthcare through a team of primary care and behavioral health practitioners, working with the individuals served, families, and other natural and informal supports. Integrated care models ensure that mental health, substance use disorder, primary care, and specialty services are coordinated and delivered in a manner that is most effective to care for individuals with multiple health care needs and produces the best outcomes."

Telehealth Implementation Basics & Payment Updates for COVID-19

The webinar presents policy and reimbursement implications for changes regarding Medicare and Medicaid and the impacts on key provider decisions concerning selecting, implementing, and building a business case for new telehealth services to support patients in these challenging times.
Enlightened Leadership & High Functioning Teams

Enlightened Leadership & High Functioning Teams

An interactive exploration of the foundations of leadership and emotional intelligence, the importance of developing trust among team members, and strategies to channel conflict into a productive and necessary force for innovation.

Stepped Behavioral Care in Primary Care

This webinar presented the Stepped Care Approach, including validated screening tools, strategies and resources for patients with mild, moderate or urgent behavioral health care needs.